KATIEFEMALE2 YEARSDOMESTIC SHORT HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPTKATIE is a pretty girl who was rescued from the Burdekin pound after being dumped at their front gate. She is very very affectionate once […]
KATIEFEMALE2 YEARSDOMESTIC SHORT HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPTKATIE is a pretty girl who was rescued from the Burdekin pound after being dumped at their front gate. She is very very affectionate once […]
PAULMAWOLFHOUND XFEMALE8 WEEKSBIN0001548112747$500 TO ADOPTPaluma is the princess out of the pack,she was born with a few eye issues but as she has grown her eye sight has improved and […]
PAXTONWOLFHOUND X8 WEEKS OLDMALE$500 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747 Don’t let the name fool you – the only danger this pup presents is being dangerously loveable! Hazard is a very loyal and chilled […]
PEYTONWOLFHOUND X8 WEEKS OLDFEMALE$600 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747 Being the only girl in the litter, it’s Peyton job to keep her brothers in line! She is an adventurous pup and will be […]
EBONYFEMALE10 WEEKSDOMESTIC SHORT HAIRBIN0001548112747$250 TO ADOPT EBONY is the sweetest little black female who will only bring you good luck. EBONY loves to play and explore. Once she gets to […]
PICKLEWOLFHOUND X8 WEEKS OLDMALE$500 TO ADOPTBIN0001548112747Pickle is the sweetest boy so very gentle and loving and has such a kind soul , he would be an amazing addition to any […]
AMELINE FEMALE 10 WEEKS ENGLISH STAFFY X CATTLE $600 TO ADOPT Ameline is the most quite and reserved one out of her sisters….until she warms up, then you’ll see her […]
MELANIE FEMALE 10 WEEKS ENGLISH STAFFY X CATTLE $600 TO ADOPT Melanie is the biggest and fluffiest of the bunch. Whilst she loves a play, she equally loves a snooze […]
EMELINA FEMALE 10 WEEKS ENGLISH STAFFY X CATTLE $600 TO ADOPT Whilst the smallest of the bunch, Emelina is the little pocket rocket. She is always playing around with her […]
ASH MALE 11 WEEKS DOMESTIC SHORT HAIR BIN0001548112747 $250 TO ADOPT ASH is a playful and friendly little black and white male. He loves to run about and explore, but […]