Meet Bee, a giant but excitable softie! At just over 1 year old, Bee is still very much a big puppy. Bee is good with other dogs but adores human company – she loves staying close to her humans and particularly enjoys a good chest scratch. Bee is a very strong and solid girl so her new humans will need to be comfortable handling and training big dogs. Her new humans must also be lovers of slobber because any time with Bee and her big droopy jowls ends up a little messy. Given her size and excitable nature, Bee will need a forever home with humans that are willing to put in the time and effort to train her. She is a gentle and friendly giant but does not know her size or how to control her love for people. Fortunately, Bee is very food oriented so should respond well to training. If you are looking for a beautiful big companion who will always be happy to see you, Bee is the one for you.Bee is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, wormed, heart wormed, vet checked, flea and tick treated. Bee is in foster care and is now ready for adoption . Please call 0409 184 685 between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday and 9am-4pm Saturday/Sunday to arrange a viewing.To adopt you will need photo ID, proof of residence, as in a current rates notice or a rental agreement showing approval to have animals, as well as vaccination and desexing records for any current pets you may already own.